Westbury Eco Church Update November 2022

Eco Church at Westbury We met in November and reviewed some of our activities as we work towards the silver award. On 19 November some of us met to make some bird boxes. We also started work on renovating a display board, which we shall use to display news and information about Eco church. As … [Read more…]

Westbury PCC Update

Here is an update from the Westbury PCC (Parochial Church Council) who met in October and November. Finance The PCC discussed the impact of the rise in gas and electric charges for the church and Parish Hall. The increase in the Parish Share and the reduction in the total number of people giving regularly. We … [Read more…]

Westbury Churchwarden role update

This month it was announced at the meeting of the PCC and at All Saints, that our churchwarden at Westbury, Beth Thomas, will be standing down as from the end of December. This is because she would like to give more time and energy to chairing the steering group for the Parish Hall Transformation Project. … [Read more…]

Youth Café Opens in the New Year

All Saints’ Church is very excited to announce that subject to funding, from January 2023 there will be a weekly Youth Café in the Parish Hall run in partnership with 4Youth (SW). Some instances of anti social behaviour in All Saints’ and the churchyard over the past year have made us aware of the difficulties … [Read more…]

Remembering at Westbury Leigh CofE PS

Remembering Day at Westbury Leigh Church of England Primary School Kenton is a young pupil at our school who asked last year, if we could have a “Remembering Day” to remember close relatives who may no longer be with us.  Well, Kenton made that wish come true when he and some other children who have … [Read more…]

Eco Church Update from All Saints

We have now received our bronze level certificate and it is in church for you to see. We are planning to have a special display board in All Saints to share news and information. We would like to invite you to take part in a household survey on environmental matters. How environmentally friendly is your … [Read more…]