There are lots of ways to getting involved in the life of the church if you want to. It’s good way to make new friends and be part of your community. Please ask the Churchwardens Beth Thomas and Ruth Hann for more details.
Helping with worship
Flower Arranging – Diane Perrett
Reading lessons
Refreshments after church
Looking after the church
Choir – Practices at All Saints Church every Thursday at 7.30pm
Servers team – Caroline Dunseath
Bell ringing – Captain, Peter Baker – 01373 822017
Young All Saints
All Saints Church Wednesday 9.30 (term time only) Sharon Jones 01373 865314
Discussion Groups
Pints of View
- meets in the Prince of Wales in Dilton Marsh at 8pm on the second Tuesday of every month and The Hollies in Westbury Leigh on the third Wednesday of every month at 7pm (meal optional)
Other ways to get involved
100 Club – help to raise funds in fun way (contact Parish Office)
Crosspoint provides a warm welcome and a listening hear and can help you with advice on debt, counselling, form filling, CV and job search, communicating with other organisations, food boxes and more.
Crosspoint always needs more volunteers to help with this important community work.
- Telephone 01373 827364
- Website