The White Horse Team

Serving the communities of Westbury and Dilton Marsh

The White Horse Team Ministry is a Church of England benefice in the Diocese of Salisbury and is located within the beautiful scenery of West Wiltshire. It allows the parishes of Westbury and Dilton Marsh to work together to spread God’s word and do his work throughout our community.

Celebrate your life events in church

Meet the Team

Team Rector, Revd Rebecca Harris


The Churches of the White Horse Ministry Team take their responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.

Our Team/Parish Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded here

Dilton Marsh Parish Safeguarding Officer

Yvette Croft
[email protected]
07460 451 770
01373 827 237

Westbury Parish Safeguarding Officer

Jenny Wray-Bliss
[email protected]
07850 646686

To contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer please telephone 07500 664800 or 07469 857888 or email [email protected]

Find out more

You can use this site to find regular servicesspecial events and the latest news.  
We look forward to seeing you in the near future.

St Mary’s Old Dilton

St Mary’s, Old Dilton is located within our parish boundaries and we occasionally hold services there, most recently Evensong with the Bishop of Ramsbury & Christmas Carols. It is owned and cared for by The Churches Conservation Trust