Westbury PCC Update

Here is an update from the Westbury PCC (Parochial Church Council) who met in October and November.


The PCC discussed the impact of the rise in gas and electric charges for the church and Parish Hall. The increase in the Parish Share and the reduction in the total number of people giving regularly.

We reluctantly agreed to continue paying just 60% of our Parish Share to the Diocese. However we are aware of the potential impact this may have on the number of paid clergy for the Benefice in the future.

We are planning on a Giving Day in the Spring to encourage wider giving to support the important work to support the people of Westbury and the church building.


We approved the trial period of a Youth Cafe in partnership with 4Youth subject to finding the funds. This is an exciting project meeting the needs of young people and supporting our vision for the future of the Parish Hall.


Those who have been coming to church may have noticed that the organ has been temperamental in recent months. A small group are exploring options to repair the organ and ensure it continues to play in years to come.

If you would like to know more about the work of the PCC please speak to any of the members, the churchwardens Beth Thomas and Ruth Hann, or Revd Rebecca Harris.