Westbury Eco Church Update

September 2022 an update from the Westbury Eco-Church group All Saints and Holy Saviour Churches have just completed the Eco Church survey and we have both qualified for the bronze level certificate! We are very pleased with this achievement. We have invited the Revd Dr Mike Perry to come and speak at our Climate Sunday … [Read more…]

Westbury Eco Church

A group of us have been meeting to explore how we may become an Eco Church at All Saints  and Holy Saviour. We understand that this is a serious issue and that we all have to respond to this crisis if we are going to pass on our planet in a habitable condition to future … [Read more…]

Afternoon Tea, Cake and Company!

All Saints’ Church starting new fellowship group The Fellowship Group have been discussing a new idea to hold monthly sessions for those in our church and community who might appreciate some company and the opportunity to get out for a chat and a cup of tea. We are hoping to begin these monthly ‘Afternoon Tea, … [Read more…]

Dedication of Peal Board

Sunday 29 May On Sunday 29 May All Saints’ Church will dedicate a new peal board for the bell ringing chamber in the Tower. The peal board commemorates the full peal on 27 December 2022 which marked the centenary of a full peal to mark the re-hanging of a new peal of bells in 1921. … [Read more…]

The Vicars of Westbury Parish

Our register of the Vicars of Westbury Parish returns The history of All Saints’ goes back a long way. One of the places this history is recorded is in our list of the Vicars of Westbury which goes back to 1377 with William Niobe. The list is tucked away in the South Aisle but has … [Read more…]