Westbury Area Network Food Bank

It is a sad fact of our current time that many people still suffer from food poverty for all sorts of reasons. If you would like to contribute to our local Food Bank in Westbury, your donations would be gratefully received. The coming winter and Christmas period are often crisis points for some people. All our churches are collecting points for donations for the local Food Bank. At All Saints, we have a large box in the porch as you come in. At Holy Saviour, there is a basket in front of the altar. Please bring your donations when you come to church. A volunteer from the Food Bank collects the donated items regularly. The Food Bank are also happy to receive financial donations. Please look at their website for more information: westburyareanetwork.org

They are looking for non-perishable food items – tins, packets of food at least three months in date – as well as toiletries, baby’s nappies, pet food. This Christmas the Food Bank are in need of the usual items especially pasta sauce and other sauces such as curry or Chinese. They would also like some Christmas specials like seasonal biscuits.  Donations of toiletries like shampoo and deodorants are always welcome.

Thank you again.