Update on the Westbury Mission Action Plan

Mission Action Plan At meetings of the PCC this year, we have been giving over some time at each meeting to reviewing a different section of the plan. In May, we considered section B – We are seen to be relevant by the community. We discussed the importance of reaching out to our local community in … [Read more…]
Dilton Marsh Mothers’ Union Branch News
“Where would the Anglican Communion be without the Mother’s Union? Helping to transform communities through teaching, prayer and pastoral care” Archbishop of York, Stephen Cotterell Our May meeting, at the home of Jocelyn and Clive Short, welcomed The Revd. Jayne Davies, our newly commissioned Diocesan Chaplain to talk to us about the varied aspects of … [Read more…]
The Big Help Out
To mark the King’s Coronation we are joining The Big Help Out On Monday 8th May we shall be joining in the Big Help Out, and inviting people to come and join in with helping out in our church and churchyard at All Saints. There is plenty to do! If the weather’s is suitable, please … [Read more…]
Westbury Schools welcomed in our churches this Easter

This Easter Westbury Junior and Infant schools enjoyed visits to All Saints for their Easter services. It is really good to know that both schools are learning about the events of the first Easter and that the children are able to re-tell the story, share their prayers and enjoying singing Easter songs. Experience Easter It … [Read more…]
Annual Parochial Church Meeting

All Saints Church Sunday 14 May 2023 Each year we meet at this time to report on the previous years activities, our financial position and to elect people to represent us on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) There are currently vacancies for the PCC and this year there are elections for the Deanery Synod. If … [Read more…]
Gregory Steward in Concert

Holy Trinity Church, Dilton Marsh Friday 12 May 7.30pm Gregory Steward Gregory Steward, aged 22, is a former vocal scholar of Wells Cathedral School. Gregory graduated from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in 2022 with a First Class Honours Degree. Gregory was the winner of the Taunton Young Singer Competition and a … [Read more…]