On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income. Corinthians 16:2
To maintain our full time clergy and maintain our beautiful churches and carry out our work for our congregation and wider community we need your support. If you don’t already give a regular offering to the church you attend please consider doing so.
Your giving is kept confidential.
Westbury PCC
You can now support All Saints’ and Holy Saviour Churches using the Parish Giving Scheme – or use the QR code below to access the donations page
Dilton Marsh PCC
You can now support Holy Trinity Dilton Marsh using the Parish Giving Scheme – or use the QR code below to access their donations page
Please clink on this link for a standing order and gift aid form for Holy Trinity and Brokerswood
Making a commitment to regular financial support, helps…
to sustain parish clergy in post, serving communities like ours
- to sustain the work and mission of the Church with young families and in our schools and in our villages, as well as the aged in need whatever form that that might involve
- to sustain our Church building – a place of worship at the centre of the community, open for regular services, for major festivals and other community events, and for those important family occasions in our lives – baptisms, weddings and funerals
- to sustain a Christian presence to promote the values which matter to me in my local community and society
A commitment to giving on a regular basis…
- is the most effective way of ensuring a regular income for our Church
- enables the Parochial Church Council to plan ahead and budget with confidence
If you already make domestic payments by Direct Debit, please consider using the Parish Giving Scheme using the same method to give to the Church . . .
- helps you to plan your giving as part of your normal expenditure
- keeps your giving up to date if you cannot be in Church for any reason
- helps to maintain the value of your giving by regular optional annual uplift
- avoids the desperate last minute searches for cash to put in an envelope
It also helps Church administration by . . .
- reducing the need to open, count and record envelopes – and keep them for six years!
- relieving the Donations Secretary of administration
- being more secure than taking cash to the bank
- ensuring a steady flow of income, even when you can’t be in Church