New Parish Safeguarding Officer for Westbury

We are pleased to welcome Jenny Wray-Bliss as the new Safeguarding Officer for the Parish of Westbury

“I’m pleased to announce that we have a new Safeguarding Officer for Westbury Parish. Jenny Wray-Bliss has accepted my invitation to take up the role. Jenny has had a long military career with the WRENS and much experience in dealing with people and with challenging situations. She is married to David and they both usually worship at our 8.00 am service of Holy Communion at All Saints’. She has recently completed the Induction course and the leadership training course in Safeguarding, run by the Diocese.

Jenny is planning to attend the 9.30 am service at All Saints’ on Sunday 5 November, when she will be introduced to the congregation. We shall pray for her as she starts this new role. Please remember her in your prayers and give her your full support.

In the meantime, we will be contacting those whose training in basic and foundation levels is outstanding, to give you a reminder. If this applies to you, please would you do it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Please send your certificate to Jenny or Rebecca as we have to keep our records up to date. This applies to anyone who has a role in our churches, and must be updated every three years. Thank you”

Rebecca Harris

If you have a safeguarding concern for a young person or vulnerable adult
you can contact Jenny by phone on 07850 646 686