Lent Courses in Westbury and Dilton Marsh

Lent is traditionally a time for reflection and study as we prepare for our celebration of the Resurrection of Christ at Easter.

This year we are offering a choice of course across the churches of the White Horse Team. We are also working with our brothers and sisters of the churches of the Westbury Area Churches Together. Whether you have been a Christian for many years or just at the beginning of your journey why not sign up and join us?

Dilton Marsh & Chapmanslade

This year in Dilton Marsh we will be studying a course called Life Attitudes by Robert Warren and Sue Mayfield. This course will help us to unlock the mysteries behind Jesus’ sermon on the mount. The beatitudes are often talked about as being the raison d’etre for Jesus’ presence on earth, others have called it his manifesto – a very modern term! Some people think these are really tricky statements, others find them inspirational, yet others find them baffling. Come and share your thoughts as we unpack some of the deeper meaning behind Jesus’ words as we seek to embody them in our daily walk with Christ.

We will be offering different times and venues so that hopefully, everyone can find a date and time that is suitable. I do hope that those who are able will join us in Holy Trinity Church on Wednesday at 6pm

We have available Monday afternoons from 2pm [venue to be confirmed], Wednesday mornings at 10.30 [venue to be confirmed], and 6pm Wednesdays in Holy Trinity Church. Please book your place in good time with Sally. Books cost £7.99, but we will bulk order if possible. To book your place please register your interest (and dietary needs) with Sally [email protected]

NB The Evening course begins with supper -please do let Sally know any dietary requirements when booking your place.

Course Dates 21st, 28th February, 6th,13th, 20th March.


Westbury Area Churches Together Lent courses

This year we are offering the Romans Course which comes form the Bible Society. We are doing this as a Churches Together initiative, with two meetings taking place each week, using the same material:

On Wednesday afternoons at 2.30pm at Westbury Methodist church, with Ian McManus from West End Baptist Church

And on Thursday evenings at 7.00 pm at West End Baptist Church with Ian and Revd Rebecca Harris sharing the leadership.

The Romans Course comes from the Bible Society, which produced the Bible course which we did a few years ago.

It comes with videos set in Rome, Bible passages, discussion questions, prayer and time for reflection.  We hope to have groups made up of members from our different churches and are looking forward to some stimulating discussions. The course covers key aspects of Christian faith, including the message of the Gospel, freedom, peace, hope, mystery, mission and community. It will be a brilliant refresher for our faith as well as the opportunity to develop our relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the town.

The course lasts for 10 sessions, starting on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th February. We shall have six sessions before Easter, then a two week break, with four more sessions after Easter.

If you would like to join us, please let either Ian or myself know which group you would like to join as soon as possible, so we can gather enough materials together.

We look forward to hearing from you.
