Maundy Thursday 28 March
On the morning of Maundy Thursday all those who are ordained, or have a licence from the Bishop for an authorised lay ministry, are invited to attend the Chrism Service at Salisbury Cathedral at 11.00 am.
Clergy and LLMs are invited to robe and take part in the service by renewing their ordination vows. Anyone is welcome to attend. If anyone would like a lift, please be in touch with a member of the clergy and we can arrange it. After the service, coffee is served at the back of the cathedral. People can bring a packed lunch to eat if they wish.
6.30pm at Westbury Leigh Community Hall
Agape Supper for the White Horse Team in the evening of Maundy Thursday
In the evening, we shall be organising a light informal supper as part of our remembering the events of the Last Supper Jesus took part in with his disciples, when he washed their feet and where he commanded them to remember him.
We shall be organising soup, bread, cheese and desert and sharing this time together with readings and prayer. This is an event for our whole White Horse Team churches and everyone is invited to attend.
If you would like to come, please sign a list in your church and let us know, as we shall need to know numbers for catering. You can also contact [email protected] to book your place, or if you can help with the catering.
All welcome. We look forward to sharing in this special evening together.

Good Friday 29 March
There will be an open air service organised by Westbury Area Churches Together in the rotunda in the High Street in Westbury at 10.30 am. This will include a retelling of Jesus’ crucifixion, with songs, readings and prayer. There may also be some hot cross buns. Come along and join in this ecumenical act of witness in our town.
At 12.00 noon there will be an Hour at the Cross at All Saints Church. This is a Team service and is open to everyone across the White Horse Team and our local communities. Please come and join us, as we remember our Lord’s death, and reflect prayerfully on what it means for us today.
West End Baptist Church will be holding a service of Tenebrae for Good Friday at 7pm.
Holy Saturday 30 March
All Saints’ Church Westbury – Easter Fun Morning from 10.00 am
This is an event for families at All Saints’ Church. There will be some different crafts on the theme of Easter, seed-planting, an Easter Egg hunt, light refreshments and a re-telling of the Easter story especially for families.
This coincides with the Easter Egg hunt being run by the Westbury Lions Club in the churchyard/Victoria Gardens. So there will be plenty going on. Please be in touch to book in or just turn up!
Holy Trinity Church, Dilton Marsh – Easter Egg Hunt from 10am
Why not come along and join the Easter Trail starting at 10am. A muddy trail and buggy trail will be available. Welly boots recommended for the muddy trail. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Easter Sunday 31 March
- 8.00am Said Holy Communion, All Saints’ Church, Westbury
- 9.30am Parish Communion, Holy Trinity Church, Dilton Marsh
- 9.30am Holy Communion, All Saints’ Church Westbury
- 11.00am Holy Communion, Holy Saviour Church, Westbury Leigh