Our April meeting in the Memorial Hall welcomed Revd. John Innes and John Whapshott to talk about Life in Ukraine. Revd. John had first visited in the 1960’s and later with John Whapshott. Some of John Whapshott’s visits had been with a working church group, so had been able to see and share in the everyday lives of the Ukrainian people, whom he found to be so very generous and hospitable even though they had so very little.
Ukraine has had a complicated and turbulent history, being subject to continued strife between those wishing to take possession of their country. Revolutions and occupation under foreign power, including purges under Stalin in the 1930’s, caused the deaths of about 5 million people and persecution of Jews, Soviet POW’s and Romanies. The churches have been established and abolished in turn. When in the 1990’s Ukraine gained independence and started to look westward, the Kremlin became alarmed. In some eastern provinces churches have been closed. We now see and hear daily in our news programmes of the continued suffering, destruction and loss of life. Revd. John said that even when he visited, a cautious approach was necessary, as there was always someone watching and reporting on every move undertaken.
Rose thanked them both for their interesting and informative talk.
Other items at our meeting included :
Suggestions for an outing in August. As there were several regular members missing to attend Salisbury Cathedral for the Maundy Thursday service, we decided to ask those with ideas for an outing to bring as many details as possible to our next meeting, when we will decide which option to choose for an outing in August. That meeting will be at 10 Greenacres at 10am on Thursday 4th May, when we look forward to hearing from Alice Page our Community Development Coordinator.
Jenny also gave us advance notice that at our Harvest Festival in Holy Trinity Church we are invited to contribute a display showing some of the work of the Mothers’ Union worldwide. The meeting concluded with prayers led by Enid and included a prayer for the people of Ukraine, as well as praying for the Soul of Susan Innes, a dearly loved member of our group who has died and for Clive who is in hospital.
Enid Holbrow