Mission Action Plan
At meetings of the PCC this year, we have been giving over some time at each meeting to reviewing a different section of the plan. In May, we considered section B – We are seen to be relevant by the community.
We discussed the importance of reaching out to our local community in love and witnessing to our faith in the different places in which we find ourselves: whether at work, in our leisure activities or out and about in the local community. We also discussed the importance of our parish hall in the context of our mission and ministry to the town. As we know, we are currently looking at major renovation and refurbishment, and the reasons for this have been set out before. This will be important for our future ministry and mission, as we seek to engage with local people, provide a safe, welcoming and comfortable place in which to meet, for the church as well as for community groups. Our aim is to make the parish hall a centre for community life, positioned as it is in the town centre.
We would like to see the Youth Café develop as a place where we can build relationships with young people. We looked at how we want to develop All Saints church as a place for musical and cultural events in the town, and how we share our mission to the town with the other local churches in the town through WACT. We recognise the importance of working in partnership with other agencies in the town, such as the Town Council, Crosspoint, Westbury Area Network, as we seek to address some of the social needs in the town.
We seek to provide a wide range of events for people of all ages and stages in life, and realise that we are already doing some of this with events such as Tea, Cake and Company, the Christmas Tree Festival, our extensive work with the local schools etc.
Please pray for us using our prayer diary which can be found here…