Message from our Curate Revd Holly Newton

Holly writes with an message about her return to work and the months ahead It has been wonderful to return to ministry in the White Horse Team and I have been enjoying catching up with people and seeing you all at services. I have now been back at work for a few weeks and am … [Read more…]

Lent Courses in Westbury and Dilton Marsh

Lent is traditionally a time for reflection and study as we prepare for our celebration of the Resurrection of Christ at Easter. This year we are offering a choice of course across the churches of the White Horse Team. We are also working with our brothers and sisters of the churches of the Westbury Area … [Read more…]

Bell Tower Captain steps down

Following the annual meeting of All Saints Bell ringers recently, we can announce that Peter Baker has stepped back from the role of Bell Tower Captain, for health reasons. Peter has served as Tower Captain for many years (more than he can remember). He will continue as a ringer as and when he can. We … [Read more…]

Vacancy for Director of Music

This vacancy has now closed All Saints’ Church Westbury is looking for a new Director of Music. Full details can be found below. We strongly encourage you to chat with our Team Rector, Revd Rebecca Harris to find out more.

The Tin Church is 120 in 2024!

The Tin Church at Brokerswood is celebrating an anniversary in 2024. The Church will have been in place for 120 years on 24 November 2024. In 1904 the building was taken down at Southwick and driven, by steam lorry, to Brokerswood where it was reassembled for use by the local congregation. Look out for plans … [Read more…]

Worship for January 2024

The season of Christmas continues with Epiphany when we celebrate the coming of the Magi to the Holy Family. The season of Christmas finishes with the Presentation of Christ to the Temple also known as Candlemas. Our regular pattern of worship returns. Special services include a service of Christian Unity which is being held on … [Read more…]